Not in (interpreted) Kansas anymore

dws-mirrorFor a few weeks now, an experimental JIT compiler has been available in the DWScript SVN for 32bits code. A more detailed article into the hows and whats and WTFs will come later.

Consider this article as an extended teaser, and a sort of call for test cases, benchmarks and eyeballs on the source code.

DWScript showcase: AquaSoft SlideShow

Answering the call for showcases, Steffen Binas prepared a very nice set of screenshots for AquaSoft‘s Slide Show impressive product, which went far beyond the minimal requirement, so I’m posting a full-blown article about it. Following is the presentation of their software and how DWScript is used inside it.

When you need a powerful showcase I’d bet AquaSoft SlideShow is the one: (an english website for version 8 is coming soon).


Despite the simple name of the application it’s very powerful, just have look at the trailer video created completely with it.

Call for DWScript showcases

dws-mirrorI’m considering setting up a DWScript showcase webpage. If you’re using DWScript and want to be on that page, please mail the following to “eric at”:

  • short description of how DWScript is used
  • screenshot of the application where it’s used
  • website or product link


Property expressions and statements

Object Pascal does allow binding a property to a field for direct read/writer, but we all have seen properties that required a slightly more complex getter or setter, and that usually meant a method for both. DWScript (svn trunk) & Smart Pascal (1.1) now support property expressions and statements, so the syntax is extended to allow:

property Name : Type read (expression) write (expression|statement)

Under the hood, the compiler will generate an unnamed getter or setter method when appropriate.

Graphics competition, two days left to register!

..and maybe win first prize, which is the tablet of your choice?

SmartContest 2013 Round #1

This is the first competition out of four this year. So this is your chance to win some exciting prices by showing off your Object Pascal skills!

The topic of this round is: graphics programming (eg. demo-scene, fractal art, visualizations etc).

Registration is before the 10th of February, follow the link above for more details!