String unification

This article deals with reference-counted String theory, it doesn’t relate to String Theory, unification of gravity with other quantum forces or canadian fashion.

Instead it deals with leveraging reference-counted String data to unify them and minimize memory usage requirements.

edit: as pointed in the comments, the usual terminology for that optimization is interning, which is a misnomer derived from an old LISP function “intern” which related to internal/external and packages.


TMonitor vs TRTLCriticalSection

In this new episode of the TMonitor saga is a comparison of its locking features vs TRTLCriticalSection, aka the OS-supported critical section mechanism. Is it fair? is it fast?

Fairness means that if you have several threads attempting to lock the same resources, they’ll all get a chance and none of them gets the lion’s share. In other words, that there are no race conditions.

Speed is obvious, it’s about the overhead the locking mechanism incurs.

Edit 2013-08-24: looks like the issue discussed here should be resolved in XE5, cf Monitoring the Monitor by Allen Bauer.


Immutable strings… in Delphi?

One of the “novelties” of the NextGen Delphi compiler is immutable strings, which I find quite puzzling, for lack of a better word, given that Delphi already had reference-counted copy-on-write strings, and the NextGen compiler uses reference-counted strings.

I always considered that Delphi’s String type was one of its remaining strong points, being a high-level abstraction (higher than Java’s or .Net’s String/StringBuilder dichotomy) with excellent low-level performance (on par with C/C++  character arrays).

From the recent discussions, it appears many don’t know what makes/made Delphi String so special, so here is a quick summary.
