Don’t publish your .dproj/.groupproj

Just a quick reminder to everyone publishing Delphi projects with source:

Please don’t publish your .dproj & .groupproj, only publish the .dpr & .dpk

The reason? Those files include machine specific settings, such as paths, DCU/DCP/BPL/EXE output directories, along with your favorite debug & release options, which are likely different from that of your fellow developer.

It’s possible to have them manually cleaned up, but that’s tedious and error-prone short of checking their xml content manually.

Pretty much every single project with a .dproj out there has issues: that’s from major open-source projects to Embarcadero’s own samples. None of them (of you) got all of them cleaned up right.

But even getting the published .dproj right doesn’t matter: .dproj is where compile options are stored, options you’re just bound to change and adjust. When those .dproj are in a project you synchronize with via version control (SVN, GIT, etc.), your locally modified .dproj will likely conflict next time you synchronize, sometimes in unintended and not immediately obvious ways.

Hopefully in a future version, Embarcadero will split the .dproj, so that machine-specific settings are in a distinct file from the non-machine specific settings, which would essentially be per-project relative paths to the source files.

Ad interim, .dproj are just a kludge by design.

FireMonkey’s TCube & Tessellation

a cubeIf any of you had a look at FireMonkey’s TCube object, you might have noticed rendering it is quite slow and quite complex.

If you were curious enough to look at the code, you might have noticed that TCube is actually a static mesh made up of 452 vertices, 1440 indices and 480 triangles, instead of the 8 vertices and 6 quads (12 triangles) one could have expected.


A look at the 3D side of FireMonkey

This post was actually written sometime ago, alas XE2 Update 1 didn’t change much.

I’ve been looking at FireMonkey 3D side, by that I mean strictly the 3D side, not the UI components, or the 2D. Here are some observations, most born from maintaining and developing 3D software in C++ and later with GLScene, and with an eye to eventually porting some of GLScene code to FireMonkey (after all, most of GLScene’s code is actually linear algebra stuff, mesh manipulations, file format imports, etc. and not OpenGL-specific).


Taming the Chrome Web Store

Chromium LogoWell, “taming” is probably too ambitious given the jungle that the Chrome Web Store is, especially as this post is restricted to publishing a standalone DWScript/JavaScript app into the Web Store in a few simple steps.

Interestingly enough, it seems that publishing Metro apps for Windows 8 will follow a similar process, according to the developer preview.

I’ll use the Flock Demo as an illustration, and turn it into a packaged app, that lives in Chrome and can be access off-line.
