A collection of useful links for Delphi developers, at least, links that I find useful!
- Delphi Optimization Guidelines - Robert Lee's 2003 article on the subject, only slightly outdated, many of points he makes in the article are still valid with the Delphi 32 bits compiler, and quite a few apply to all compilers and all languages.
- Dr.Bob’s Delphi Efficiency Optimization - A bit old and outdated on the tools and details, but some optimization principles never change.
- Craig Stuntz’s Weblog - News of interest to Delphi, .NET, and InterBase programmers
- Hallvard’s Blog - Confessions of a Delphi hacker - Delphi programming tips, hacks and stuff.
- Nick Bradbury - Personal ramblings from the creator of HomeSite, TopStyle and FeedDemon.
- FastCode Projet - Optimized routines and fastcode challenges
- GLScene - OpenGL library for Delphi
- Pierre’s FastMM - FastMM Memory Manager by Pierre Le Riche
- Project JEDI - Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators
- DelphiFeeds - Major Delphi news & syndication site
- DelphiPlus - Delphi news in Russian
- Pascal Game Development - News, forums and events around games written in Pascal
Smart Pascal / Object Pascal for JavaScript
- Smart Mobile Studio - IDE for Smart Pascal, also known as OP4JS (Object Pascal for JavaScript)
- Smart Programmer - Primoz Gabrijelcic's site on Smart Pascal, home a "A Smart Book", the Bible of Smart Pascal
- AsmProfiler - Andre Mussche's instrumenting profiler, based on binary function detouring.
- Dependency Walker - Nice utility to find out all your code depends on, or what a DLL exports.
- GpProfile - Primoz Gabrijelcic's old instrumenting profiler, based on source code function detouring, limited to Delphi 5.
- IcoFX - A very nice free Icon Editor, made with Delphi
- Vizacc’s HelpMaker - Home of HelpMaker and other free utilities
- CodeGear forums - CodeGear discussion forums (formerly Borland newsgroups)
- Delphi Wiki - The semi-official Delphi Wiki
- Delphi.About.com - Delphi section of about.com by Zarko Gajic
- DelphiPages - Components, forums and Delphi news
- Relax Like A Champ! - No nonsense relaxation tips from coach Dan
- Torry’s Delphi Pages - Major site for components, applications & tools