Dabbling in Neural Nets (again)

I recently dusted off an artificial neural network project, now published at https://bitbucket.org/egrange/daneuralnet/. This is a subject I’ve been dabbling on and off since the days of 8 bit CPUs.

The goals of the project are twofold: first experiment with neural networks that would be practical to run and train on current CPUs, and second experiment with JIT compilation of neural networks maths with Delphi.

TensorFlow and Python are cool, but they feel a bit too much like Minecraft, another sandbox of ready-made blocks 😉


BigInteger coming to JavaScript CodeGen

Support for BigInteger type in SmartPascal is being added in the DWScript repository, it is mapped to the new BigInt JavaScript type which is now supported by the major browsers.

This is going to be a work in progress over a few weeks. In part because the JS implementation is rather bare-bones with few support functions, and in part because with the BigInt type, the JS designers did away with some automated and implicit casting (uh?).


The case for strict parameter types

While refactoring a bit the way some “special” functions were handled in DWScript, I came about a case where the compiler started accepting strings as Math functions parameters.

While this comes naturally as an “interesting” side-effects of automatic typecasts, it left a feeling of “wrongness”, accepting literal code like Abs(“foo”) and then failing at run-time is asking for trouble.


Beware of TForm.SetBounds in a multi-monitor context

When in a multi-monitor context with monitors having varying DPI settings, TForm.SetBounds can be a little ambiguous when combined with form scaling.

The issue comes from Width / Height, in Delphi 10.3.1, they are understood as applying to the monitor the form is currently one, not the monitor SetBounds could be moving the form to. This is manifest when restoring a form position: if you store a form’s bounds, then try to restore it with SetBounds, it will result in an incorrectly sized form.
