SHA-3 ad hoc compiler: Reloaded

count_the_monkeysIt occurred to me that SHA-3 being a cryptographic hash, it is one of those peculiar bits of code that are fully self-testing. Any bug in a cryptographic hash will quickly cascade to a different result, no matter the bug or the input.

This means the ad-hoc-compiler-monkey can be unleashed “safely”, and can be allowed to try “improper changes.”

Fuzz Testing in Delphi

Monkey-typingI am a big fan of TBCEditor by Lasse Rautiainen, in case you have not heard about it, it is fork of SynEditthat diverged very significantly and includes support for code folding, fully JSON-based syntax highlighters, minimap and many other features.

Of course a code editor is a very complex piece of software, with many opportunities for bugs to hide. I have been helping by providing some Fuzz Testing code and vectors.
