Delphi Code Coverage alive and kicking

Recently noticed DelphiCodeCoverage had a new home on GitHub, with several updates that make it stable. I had been it in a previous incarnation to assess DWScript test coverage, and help pick which aspects of the engine were in need of extra tests.

The DWScript tests can be quite heavy on exceptions, sub-processes and multithreading. The tests go after checking all things that should fail do fail as they should. That was a bit too much stress for the previous versions, which would occasionally crash. I am happy to say those issues are gone from the current version of DelphiCodeCoverage!


DWScript now compatible with Delphi 11

Just pushed a few changes to the DWScript repository for compatibility with the just released Delphi 11 Alexandria.

The only change required was related to a fix of the Delphi compiler, which now properly has integer overflow checks controlled by $OVERFLOWCHECKS while they were previously controlled by $RANGECHECKS.

I also added support for the Delphi 11 dialect for binary literals (starting with %). DWScript already supported binary literals with the “0b” prefix since 2012 (as in C), I had been hoping the % symbol would not be sacrificed for this purpose, but oh well. (more…)

Nested types in DWScript

Just a word of warning about a recent commit that added support for nested types in DWScript.

This support is at the moment only enabled in class declarations, and very minimally tested, a lot more testing is required – and welcome 🙂 – before it can be considered safe to use, and extended to other type declarations.

The related code should only kickoff if a “type” keyword is encountered in a class declaration (which would previously be reported as an error), so the change should be innocuous to existing code.

SQLite as a no-SQL database

SQLite offers through its JSON1 extension a lot of capability. Generating JSON outputs from SQL, even complex structured, multi-level JSON is very straightforward.

But what about the opposite use case ? When you have store data as JSON in an SQLite database, and you want to search or filter it ? This is a short exploration of what to expect.
