SQLite as a no-SQL database

SQLite offers through its JSON1 extension a lot of capability. Generating JSON outputs from SQL, even complex structured, multi-level JSON is very straightforward.

But what about the opposite use case ? When you have store data as JSON in an SQLite database, and you want to search or filter it ? This is a short exploration of what to expect.


Spotlight on dwsJSON

dwsJSON is a unit that supports JSON parsing/creating, it’s part of DWScript but relatively “standalone”, in that if you add it in your Delphi (or FPC) projects, it won’t pull the whole of DWScript library, and thus can be used anywhere you need.

The JSON parser in dwsJSON generates an object tree based on TdwsJSONValue (and its subclasses), you can also create such a tree from scratch and use it to spit out JSON. There is also a low-level JSON writer for fast, write-only streaming. All classes support full Unicode (in Delphi) as well as very long strings (like a base64 streamed image).
