MapFileStats v1.3 update

mapfilestats_iconMy small MapFileStats utility has been updated to 1.3 (last public release was four years ago…).
The utility provides simple statistics about compiled size, to help you figure out what went into your executable.

This version add as few minor features and improves detection of project file, which could result in missing DFM size.


MapFileStats public release

mapfilestatsMapFileStats is a simple free utility to obtain executable binary size statistics derived from a “.map” file.

Use it to know which units contribute the most to an executable’s size, which DFMs are the largest, which units you have dependencies on but barely use in your executable, or merely to know exactly what gets into your executable.

You can integrate it into the Delphi IDE via the Tools menu, see the MapFileStats page for more details or to the download page and see for yourself!