TMonitor vs TRTLCriticalSection

In this new episode of the TMonitor saga is a comparison of its locking features vs TRTLCriticalSection, aka the OS-supported critical section mechanism. Is it fair? is it fast?

Fairness means that if you have several threads attempting to lock the same resources, they’ll all get a chance and none of them gets the lion’s share. In other words, that there are no race conditions.

Speed is obvious, it’s about the overhead the locking mechanism incurs.

Edit 2013-08-24: looks like the issue discussed here should be resolved in XE5, cf Monitoring the Monitor by Allen Bauer.


OptimalCode – “Delphi Optimization Guidelines”

If you recognize the title of this article by Robert Lee, then chances are you’ve been around Delphi for a while! 🙂

Alas the website and Robert Lee disappeared years ago without a trace, but the “Delphi Optimization Guidelines” (dating back from 2002-3003) has been safeguarded and preserved. Recently someone pointed to me that the mirror I had in my Links section had disappeared too…
