Who purchased the Delphi you use?
Inspired by a recent question by Bruce McGee in the Delphi non-tech forum, here are a couple of mini-polls.
Who purchase the Delphi you use?
Do you use Delphi for work, hobby or both?
Inspired by a recent question by Bruce McGee in the Delphi non-tech forum, here are a couple of mini-polls.
Who purchase the Delphi you use?
Do you use Delphi for work, hobby or both?
I’ve closed the mini-pool, below are the results, obtained after 500 respondents, as well as some other stats not obviously evident from the poll results (as it was a multi-choice poll).*
They’re of course only relevant as the measurement to the audience of this site.
…or at Work if your prefer.
This is a small poll to gauge the audience of this site,, try to answer about the environments you use for production, not for experimenting, testing or fiddling.
If you use several version, feel free to check as many entries as you feel are relevant.
Delphi an an ITE for localization (of which I’m not a fan), we’ve been using something very similar to gnu gettext where I work (and I like it), what other String or screen localization tools have you been using and recommending?
You can vote for multiple options, and suggest new ones in the comments!
In Delphi, you can overload functions, but doing so requires using the overload directive explicitly.
The following code declares two functions with the same name, one that will be invoked if you pass an integer, another that will be invoked you pass a string:
SamplingProfiler was initially released in the Delphi ASM newsgroup, and I’m curious about the audience of this website, so I’ve setup a small poll.
How familiar are you with code profiling and/or Delphi code optimization? Can you tell apart instrumenting and sampling profilers merely by their respective heisenbugs, or is that profiler business sounding like a TV series from the last century?