Moving to new host(s)

Penguins_on_the_Move_600This is just a quick notice to let you know that I’ve recently moved this site to a new host (currently pulseheberg), and may move it to other hosts. My previous hosting was running out, and I’m taking this as an opportunity to experiment with various VPS offerings (Linux or Windows), change registrar, tweak DNS, etc.

Hopefully nothing will go wrong and it’ll be transparent, but if not, please let me know.

New theme


Time for a summer facelift!

This website is getting new responsive theme which is more mobile-device friendly and will hopefully load slightly faster. Truth be told, I was also getting tired of seeing the old look here and in 618965 other blogs and websites.

(more…) relocated

The website has just been relocated, it also transitioned from a Linux host to a Windows one.

There were a few glitches with WordPress during the transfer, but they should hopefully have been solved, if not, feel free to post about them here!

Printable versions of the articles

There is something about WordPress that reminds me of Delphi, not the language or the IDE, but the spirit. On the one hand, its a convenient and comfortable environment out of the box, to which ready-made functionality can be easily added, and on the other hand everything under the hood is still accessible and tweakable without having to fork in a major way (like Delphi, unlike most of the rest of them).

Anyway, I’ve added support for printable versions of the articles here, thanks to Lester Chan’s WP-Print, a wee bit of CSS & php tweaking is all it took. Hopefully the dead-tree lovers that asked for it should be satisfied, as well as those few that manually tried to append a “/print” to the url 😉

Delphi 2009 hidden compiler switch?

This morning while debugging a statistical ichthyo-parser I stumbled upon what looked like a Delphi 2009 compiler bug: the compiler was outputting gibberish ASM opcodes… But after further investigations, it appeared this wasn’t completely gibberish, but that it was (somewhat) correct MSIL bytecode!
