TIOBE isn’t the only index that needs fixing

404Worst thing in popularity is not being considered, or found.

Looks like TIOBE is not alone in differentiating Delphi and Pascal, other popularity indexes share the same issue:

More indexes I looked at didn’t show the “runners up”, only the top 5 or top 10, but they may as well have differentiated.

For lang-index, merging Pascal (rank 11) and Delphi (24), would be enough to reach rank 10, ahead of Ruby, just shy of Perl.


Fixed TIOBE index

For some unfathomable reason, the TIOBE index distinguishes between “Pascal” and “Object Pascal”, and the “Pascal” category is seeing growth:


So it can’t be the old classic procedural Pascal, can it? That leaves only Object Pascal dialects (FreePascal the largest, but also Oxygene and SmartPascal/DWScript). Pascal programming isn’t dead or dying.
